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The Regulations of SISU for Confucius Institute Scholarship

发布时间:2015-12-18   点击:

In accordance with the Regulations on Management of Confucius Institute Scholarship, and in line with the categories, structures and levels of Confucius Institute Scholarship at SISU, the following regulations are formulated for the purpose of strengthening the effective regulating on the Confucius Institute Scholarship.

Article1:Category of Scholarship

The Scholarship is divided into two categories: scholarship for one-semester students and for one-academic-year students.

Article2: Scholarship Coverage

The scholarship covers:

1. Exemption from tuition and accommodation fees on campus;

2. Providing comprehensive insurance for students studying in China;

3. Providing monthly living allowance at CNY 2,500 each person;

Article3: Living Allowance Granting

Scholarship students shall get their monthly living allowance from the date of registration. Those who register before 15th (15th included) of the registration month will get the living allowance of a full month, and those who register after 15th will get that of a half month. Scholarship of graduates will be paid half month after their graduation date. Scholarship of those who quit or finish their studies will be stopped from the following month. Monthly living allowance will be paid during Chinese national holidays. Scholarship students who do not get the monthly living allowance during holidays can get reimbursed on return. Monthly living allowance of the scholarship students who do not register on time or be away from university up to one month because of non-health reason will be stopped.

Scholarship students shall confirm the amount of living allowance with signature to the teachers in the International Students’ Department before 10th of each month. Otherwise, the granting of the allowance of the present month shall be postponed.

Article4: Costs of the laboratory experiment or internship required that beyond the university arrangements should be afforded by the student himself.

Article5:Scholarship students who have to suspend their education for reason of illness that is not allowed to stay in China by the Chinese law should return to their home country for further treatment and rest; the international travel expenses of returning should be self-afforded.

Article6: Scholarship students should receive treatment in school’s hospital if they suffer from disease during the study period. If necessary, they can also be transferred into the appointed hospital by the agency of school’s hospital. The costs of dental prosthetics, dental filling, tooth extraction, glasses buying, delivery, abortion, correction of physiological defect, nourishment and supplement purchasing, and others that are beyond the scope and criteria of public health services, should be shouldered by the students themselves, and so do the costs of the treatment of the chronic diseases the students already had before coming to China. The hospitalization and others relevant costs caused by casualty accidents due to the violation of law and regulation, e.g. fighting and brawling, should be shouldered by the person concerned.

Article7: Scholarship students who have serious illness should suspend their education and return to their home country for further treatment and rest. The international travel expenses of return and coming back should be shouldered by the students themselves. For scholarship students who terminate their studies and return to their home country, the monthly living allowance will be stopped and the scholarship of the students will also be terminated.

Article8: Change, School Transferring and Study-length Prolonging

Scholarship students who change his major, transfer to another university, or prolong his length of study will be deprived of the rights to enjoy the scholarship.

Article9: Cultural Activities

Our school will hold a series of recreational and sports activities, visits, and get-togethers every semester, for the purpose of enriching the students’ extra-curriculum life and enhancing their understanding of China and interests in Chinese. The costs of these activities are paid through the scholarship.

Article10: Administrative Department

International Students’ Department is responsible for the recruitment, admission, granting and management of Confucius Institutes Scholarship.