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Teaching Management for International Students in

发布时间:2015-12-17   点击:
Ⅰ. Entrance Requirements

Advanced students---have senior high school degree, in good health and comply with relevant regulations and requirements of related majors.

Undergraduates ---have a degree above high school, aged over 18, in good health and comply with relevant regulations and requirements of related majors.

Postgraduates---fresh graduates, university graduates or above, bachelor degree or above, and comply with relevant regulations and requirements of related majors.

Ⅱ. Study and Attendance

1. International students must learn various subjects well and complete the stipulated teaching links and others activities including teaching practice according to the requirement of teaching plan of relating majors in SISU. Students should follow the course arrangement of related departments. Parts of courses will be taught in the way of combined class with Chinese students. Students should take relevant exams.

Relevant departments can adjust the component percentage of specialized compulsory courses and optional courses of the international students according to specific conditions, but the requirement of total scores remains unchanged.

The international students can apply for courses waiver such as politics and PE class and are not required to participate in military training.

2. The international students shouldn’t be late for class, leave early or be absent form class. During learning period, truancy, traveling and doing part-time jobs are not allowed without asking for leave and permission, and the students should be responsible for the emerging questions. Those who can’t attend teaching activities because of illness or other reasons should submit written application to responsible teachers or office; clarify the reason of asking for leave and time, handle approval procedures. Those who don’t attend teaching activities without asking for leave or permission will be treated as truancy.

3. If the absent courses (including sick and personal leave) accumulate 1/3 of the teaching hours of all courses, students are not entitled to take the exam of this course and evaluate the scores. This course must be retook and the time will be arranged by the International Students’ Department or related department of this major in light of concrete conditions. Students should pay their own retaking expense.

Those who are absent from school for two weeks or above and whose absences exceed 3weeks or above will be dealt with automatically withdraw and annul study visa.

Ⅳ. Achievement Evaluation

1. The evaluation methods are divided into examination and testing. The examination result is calculated on 100 scale. Getting more than 60 points is considered passing the examination. The testing result is calculated on 100 scale or five scoring system (excellent, good, fair, pass, fail). The total scores of course include 50% final exam scores, 30% mid-term exam scores and 20% regular scores (including attendance, homework, learning attitude, behaviors in class and regular tests)

Every department can set standards according to relevant majors.

2. Students shouldn’t miss the exam. Absentees get zero in this course, and do not have the right to re-exam.

3. Those who fail in semester evaluation are allowed to take supplementary examination. The time is arranged by relevant departments or major section.

4. The scores are recorded as 60 points after passing the supplementary examination. Students must retake if he fail in the supplementary examination.

5. Relevant departments should seal on the semester scores of international students and submit them to the International Students’ Department to file.

Ⅴ. Suspension and resumption of schooling, quitting schooling

1. International students who ask for leave because of sickness and personal affaires for more than 1/3 of teaching activities in one semester, suffer from diseases and have been diagnosed by hospital to rest for a long time and have special conditions will be dealt with suspension of schooling.

2. International students who suspend schooling can reserve his mane on school roll for one year in principle.

3. When the suspension is expired, students who resume school will be arranged into the corresponding class of the next grade. Those who can’t resume school or handle procedures of resuming school will be considered as dropping out of school.

Ⅵ. Graduation and Completion of Schooling

1. The international undergraduates and postgraduates are qualified to graduate and get the graduation certificate after finishing all the contents required by education and teaching plan, passing the exam of all courses ,the exams of different levels required by relevant major( such as new HSK-level 6) and the graduation thesis. The advanced students can receive a certificate of completion after finishing the courses required by teaching plan and passing the exams during schooldays.

2. The international undergraduates and postgraduates who don’t finish the content or credits stipulated by teaching plan within the term of study required by school will not allowed graduate. Those who conform to the following conditions will get completion certificate:

(1)Those who do not pass re-examination after failing in the supplementary exam;

(2)Those who do not write the graduation thesis or fails the graduation thesis;

(3)Those who major in Chinese do not pass the HSK-level 6; and students of other majors do not pass the relevant grade examination.

Ⅶ. Thesis writing

1. Undergraduates and postgraduate should write a thesis. The topics are required not to divorce from relevant majors.

2. The thesis is required to write in Chinese and the main body must be more than 6000 words. If written in native language, the main body must exceed 8000 words.

The master’s degree thesis is required to write in Chinese and the main body must be more than 20000 words. If written in native language, the main body must exceed 30000 words.

3. Thesis achievement is evaluated by five grades: excellent, good, fair, pass, fail. Those who do not pass the thesis or do not write a thesis will not be granted a degree.

Ⅷ. Degree Awarding

The international undergraduates and postgraduates who finish all the contents required by teaching plan and pass the exam of all courses during schooldays are qualified to get the graduation certificate. Those who match the conditions of awarding a degree will be granted corresponding degree.

Ⅸ. Supplementary Provisions

The International Students’ Department reserves the right to interpret the measures.