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Ⅰ. Course Description
The International Students’ Department of Sichuan International Studies University sets up Chinese refresher courses of different levels (non-degree course) for foreign students. The foreigners arranging from 18 to 60 years old can take refresher courses of elementary, intermediate and advanced Chinese according to corresponding Chinese level.
Ⅱ. Course Features and Advantages
1. Small class teaching: The number of students in every class is 5 to 25.
2. Teachers teach in standard mandarin or in foreign languages as required.
3. Grade teaching: the advanced students are classified respectively into elementary, intermediate and advanced class according to entrance scores.
4.The international students study on the same campus with Chinese students majoring in English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Korean, Italian, Arabic and other foreign languages, which facilitates exchange, mutual help and improvement.
Ⅲ.Semester Setting
Autumn semester: from every September to January of the next year
Spring semester: from every March to July
Ⅳ.Class Setting
The International Students’ Department of Sichuan International Studies University sets up classes of eight grades, including elementary class(Ⅰ,Ⅱ), intermediate class(Ⅰ,Ⅱ) and advanced class(Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ). The HSK tutorial class and the Chinese arts classes such as Chinese calligraphy, drawing and martial art , which can satisfy the various requirements and needs of students.
Ⅴ. Courses
Elementary refresher class
comprehensive Chinese, oral Chinese, Chinese listening, Chinese writing and speaking, Chinese reading
Intermediate refresher class
comprehensive Chinese, oral Chinese, Chinese listening, Chinese writing , Chinese reading
Advanced refresher class
comprehensive Chinese, oral Chinese, Chinese listening, Chinese writing , Chinese reading, business Chinese, ancient Chinese,visual audio oral class, News listening, Chinese history, introduction to China, Chinese culture, modern Chinese phonetics, introduction to Chinese characters, modern Chinese lexicology, modern Chinese grammar, selected reading of ancient literature, selected reading of modern literature
Optional class
HSK training, Chinese to foreign language translation, Chinese calligraphy, characters and seal cutting, Chinese drawing, Chinese paper-cut and Tai-Chi-Chuan
Ⅵ.Completion of schooling
The advanced students in Chinese will get the completion certificate conferred by the International Students’ Department of Sichuan International Studies University after finishing the required study plan and passing the exams.