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The Regulations of SISU on Chongqing Mayor Scholarship

发布时间:2015-12-19   点击:

In consideration of the enrollment category, structure and levels of the scholarship in SISU, and in line with Chongqing t Mayor Scholarship Regulations, the following regulations are specially formulated for the purpose of enhancing the efficient management of the scholarship students:

Article1: Mayor Scholarship Categories

Mayor Scholarship is for undergraduate students and graduate students.

Article 2: Mayor Scholarship Criteria

Criteria of the first grade scholarship:

1. Each doctoral student CNY 35,000 per academic year;

2. Each graduate student CNY 30,000 per academic year;

3. Each undergraduate student CNY 25,000 per academic year;

4. Each scholar student CNY 10,000 per academic year.

Criteria of the second grade scholarship:

1. Each doctoral student CNY 20,000 per academic year;

2. Each graduate student CNY 15,000 per academic year ;

3. Each undergraduate student CNY 10,000 per academic year;

4. Each scholar student CNY 8,000 per academic year

Article 3: Granting Measures of Mayor Scholarship

Mayor Scholarship is granted in the form of living allowance. Scholarship students will get living allowance monthly in a totality of ten times after their registration. For the students suspended of schooling, the dropout or graduate returnees, their living allowance will be suspended from the following month. Monthly living allowance covers the prescribed school holidays. If the scholarship obtainers do not get a living allowance in vacation, they will get the money when they return campus. Scholarship students who do not get the monthly living allowance during holidays can get reimbursed on return. Monthly living allowance of the scholarship students who do not register on time or stay away from university up to one month because of non-health reasons will be stopped.

Mayor Scholarship students must confirm the amount of living allowance and sign their signature at the administration teacher’s office of their department by the 10th of each month, otherwise monthly living allowance will be delayed

Article 4: Costs of the laboratory experiment or internship required that beyond the university arrangements should be afforded by the student himself.

Article 5: who have to suspend their education for reason of illness that is not allowed to stay in China by the Chinese law should return to their home country for further treatment and rest; the international travel expenses of returning should be self-afforded.

Article 6: Mayor Scholarship students need to pay their own registration fees, tuition, dormitory fees, insurance and other related costs.

Article 7: If Mayor Scholarship students who have to suspend their education for reason of illness should return to their home country for further treatment and rest; the international travel expenses of returning and coming back should be shouldered by the students themselves; the scholarship status will be reserved for at most one year; the monthly living allowance will be stopped during the suspension of education; the scholarship of the students who suspend their education for reasons other than illness will be terminated.

Article 8: The change of Mayor Scholarship students’ Specialties, Institutions or the Duration of Study

Students are not permitted, in principle, to change their specialties, institutions, or the duration of study specified in the Admission Notice after registration. If there do exist any special circumstance that the specialties, institution or the duration of study has to be changed, an application should be submitted to International Students’ Department and then presented to China Scholarship Council for its approval. The students who change their specialties, institution or duration of study by themselves without permission shall be disqualified the access to scholarship.

Article 9: The annual review of Mayor Scholarship

The students whose duration of study is above one year shall be exercised with an annual comprehensive review. The students who can’t pass the review shall be deprived of scholarship.

Article 10: Mayor Scholarship Management Department

The Mayor Scholarship Management Department administrates the recruitment of international students and the routine management of the Chinese Government Scholarship scheme.