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Daily Management for International Students in Sichuan International Studies University (Interim)

发布时间:2015-12-17   点击:

Ⅰ.Check in and Registration

1. The new international students must complete check in and registration at the International Students’ Department before the deadline set by the Admission Notice. The enrolling qualification will be cancelled for those who don’t register without acceptable reasons. The old students are required to register within the stipulated time. Those who can’t check in with specific reasons must ask for leave. if students don’t ask for leave or leave for two weeks(including two weeks),the new students will be considered as surrendering enrolling qualification and the old as automatic withdrawal except valid factors such as force majeure.
2. SISU implements the system of students getting school roll after enrollment, tuition payment and registration, so students must pay the relevant expenses including tuition fee in the first week of classes, register at the International Students’ Department by payment receipt and check in to the related departments.
3. SISU will re-exam the enrolling qualification and health conditions of freshmen according to International Student Recruitment Act after their check in. Those who pass the re-examination and perfect related procedures will obtain the school roll. Those who fail in re-examination will be treated separately by SISU and even be cancelled enrolling qualification.
4. The international students who meet the requirements of SISU and ask for transferring to SISU must take advice from the former school. Students can process enrollment and registration after the former school providing a transfer certificate and handling relevant transfer procedures.
5. Those who need to stop study due to special reasons can apply for retaining school roll which is generally limited to one year, during which scholarship students are not entitled to scholarship.

Ⅱ.Accommodation, Health Care and Insurance
1. Those who are borders must observe the accommodation regulations.
2. Those who live off campus should apply to the International Students’ Department for approval first, handle check in to local public security organs within 24 hours after residing and hand in “accommodation registration receipt” for foreigners to the Department.
3. The international students must purchase medical insurance and accident insurance by themselves. The International Students’ Department will help to handle the purchase of insurance.
4. The international students should be responsible for casualty accident caused by the violation of the law and disciplines. The related cost is at the perpetrator’s side.

Ⅲ. Extracurricular Activities Management
1. The international students should get the approval of Foreign Affairs Department and follow the relevant regulations of SISU if some activities such as the celebration of National Day and other great traditional festivals will be held on campus.
2. The international students traveling to those places which haven’t been open to outside must apply to the public security organs and then go to there after permission.
3. The international students shouldn’t do part-time jobs; engage in trade or other operational activities. The relevant departments will investigate according to related regulations if anyone violates that.
4. The reporting system will be implemented if international students return home from SISU or leave Chongqing to visit relatives or friends. The deadline of leaving SISU and destination must be indicated when students are applying.

Ⅳ. Regulations of Leaving School and Exiting for International Students
The international students must leave school and exit within the stipulated time after studying in school, completing school and dropping out of school. As to those who are asked to withdraw from school, expelled from school and drop out of school automatically, the school will promptly inform the Exit and Entry Department of the public security organs to collect residence permit for foreigners and shorten the detention period in China.

Ⅴ. Behavior Regulations
1. All the international students in SISU must observe the law and rules of China and related regulations. Any statements and actions endangering the national security and interests are not allowed. Students should observe all the regulations and rules in SISU. Students are not allowed to take part in activities incompatible with the status of student.
2. Students should uphold the unity of all ethnic groups, enhance friendship of people from different countries, respect the customs and national culture of China, respect other students’ religious beliefs from other countries protect others’ rights and interests and forbid racial discrimination.
3. Students should love peace and stability. Illegal publication, rally, association, parade, demonstration and missionary activity are not allowed in China. Propaganda and printing materials are forbidden inside and outside the campus and in the place where international students live. Those who violate this regulation will be dealt with according to relevant regulations.
4. Students should maintain social, living and teaching orders, observe the related regulations of public places, be polite, pay attention to hygiene, protect the environment, public property and infrastructures,
5. Students should enhance safety awareness, strengthen self-protection, observe traffic rules, pay attention to travel safety, know to drive on the right side in China and avoid riding on motorcycles or unlicensed taxis; pay attention to prevention of fire and burglary, improve the awareness of earthquake prevention and coping with emergencies; memorize emergency call and its usage and grasp knowledge on self-aid and buddy-aid. Students are not allowed to swim in rivers or engage in other dangerous activities without the guidance of professionals. Students shouldn’t leave school to travel or do a part-time job during course time, or all the consequences will at your peril.

Ⅵ. Violation of disciplines and Ways of Handling
1. For those who violate the school rules and relevant regulations, SISU will punish them according to relevant regulations of high-level department and the undergraduate discipline and punishment regulations in Sichuan International Studies University. Students will be given such punishments as criticism and education, demerit record, warning, serious warning, suspending school or even expelling from school in light of circumstances. Students will be dealt with by public security organ if illegal and criminal activities arise.
2. The international students should be responsible for the safety problem, personal injury, poverty, economic loss and damage to others caused by personal reasons or misconduct inside and outside the campus.
3. The school security office and the public security and judicial organs will deal with those who violate the law and rules of China and relevant regulations, endanger national security and break the social order according to the law.

Ⅶ. Supplementary Provisions
The International Students’ Department reserves the right to interpret the measures.