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The Regulations of SISU President Scholarship (Interim)

发布时间:2015-12-19   点击:

Chapter One General Principles

Article1: The strengthening of students studying in China plays an important role in enhancing our school’s international cooperation and exchange of education, as well as symbolizing the internationalization of our school’s education. President Scholarship for Foreigners to Study in China (hereinafter referred as to President Scholarship) is set and the measures are formulated for the purpose of attracting more international students to study in our school, triggering their enthusiasm for study, awarding those who have a good academic performance and expanding our teaching scale as well as improving our international student’s education.
Article2: The amount of president scholarship totals CNY 200,000, and will be granted twice a year. International Students’ Department is responsible for the review of the scholarship and will submit the list to leadership for approval.

Chapter Two Applicants and Eligibility Criteria
Article3: Applicants should have studied in Sichuan International Studies University more than one semester as visiting students or undergraduates.
Article4: Applicants should abide by the laws and relevant regulations of China and Sichuan International Studies University.
Article5: The applicants should:
1. Be non-Chinese citizens and in good health;
2. Aged between 18 and 50;
3. Have good academic performance;
4. Have no other scholarships or subsidiaries;
5. Not only meet criteria above, but also have financial difficulty and have studies in Sichuan International Studies University more than one year.
Article6: Exchange students joining in university exchange programs cannot apply for president scholarship.

Chapter Three Scholarship Coverage and Term

Article7: President Scholarship is divided into four levels: grand prize, first prize, second prize and third prize.Article8: The term of financial aid is one semester.Article9: The criteria are:
Grand prize: CNY 4000 per student per semester (3% of total amount);
First prize: CNY 3000 per student per semester (5% of total amount);
Second prize: CNY 2000 per student per semester (7% of total amount);
Third prize: CNY 1000 per student per semester (9% of total amount).

Chapter Four Application Methods
Article10: Students should apply to International Students’ Department for the scholarship on their own. The materials and forms needed can be downloaded from the website of International Students’ Department.
Article11: Applicants should submit Application Form of Sichuan International Studies University for President Scholarship for Foreigners to Study in China and grade certificate of last semester in duplicate.
Article12: Applicants should submit application before 1st of April and 1st of October of each year.

Chapter Five Principles, Contents and Procedures of Review
Article13: Scholarship review will be based on justice, fairness and openness.
Article14: Scholarship review time:
Scholarship will be reviewed twice a year. (once in April, and once in October)
Article15: Contents of review:
1. Grades: Average grades of all courses should reach 80 points, while grades of single course should not be below 60 points;
2. Attitudes and Attendance: study hard, have a positive attitude, and have a good record of attendance;
3. Behaviors and Performance: abide by the laws and regulations of China and Sichuan International Studies University; respect traditional Chinese culture and national customs of Chinese people; venerate the teachers and have a good team spirit with other students; actively participate in all kinds of collective activities.
Article16: Procedures of Review:
1. International Students’ Department inform the international students about the purpose and significance of president scholarship and make brief explanation about the requirements of application;
2. Students should submit the application materials to the International Students’ Department following the criteria and requirements of scholarship application;
3. International Students’ Department will draw up the name list of successful applicants considering the grades and performance of students, as well as the opinions and suggestions about the students from relevant courses’ teachers and administrative staffs;
4. International Students’ Department will publicly display the results of first review for at least three workdays;
5. International Students’ Department will submit the results of first review to the leadership for approval;
6. After the approval of the president scholarship, International Students’ Department should timely release the name list of successful applicants.

Chapter Six Granting, Management and Supervision
Article17: International Students’ Department is responsible for the granting of scholarship.
Article18: To enhance the management of international students and give a full play of incentive function of scholarship, the scholarship of students who violate the law of China and regulations of school or have a poor academic performance will be stopped until being terminated as the circumstances may require.
Article19: President Scholarship should be earmarked for its specified purpose only. It cannot be diverted and misappropriated. It should also be checked and supervised by the discipline inspection commission, supervision division and finance department of school.

Chapter Seven Supplementary Provisions
Article20: International Students’ Department is responsible for the review of the scholarship in Sichuan International Studies University.
Article21: International Students’ Department is responsible for the interpretation of the measures.
Article22: The measures will come into force upon the date of its promulgation.