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Sichuan International Studies University President Scholarship for International Students(the second semester of 2017-2018 academic year)

发布时间:2018-05-09   点击:

I. Eligibility  

1. Applicants must be registered in Sichuan International Studies University.

2. Applicants must abide by the laws and decrees of China and comply with rules and regulations of Sichuan International Studies University.

3. Applicants must do a good job in studies and behaviors.  

4. Applicants are not recipients of any other scholarships at the same time.

II. Application Time

The application time for this semester is from May 9, 2018 to May 18, 2018.

III. Scholarship Coverage

President Scholarship is divided into the first-class prize, the second-class prize and the third-class prize.

the first-class prize: 4000 CNY per student per semester;  

the second-class prize: 3000 CNY per student per semester;  

the third-class prize: 2000 CNY per student per semester.

IV. Application Procedures

1. Applicants take the Application Form for Sichuan International Studies University President Scholarship for International Students at the office.

2. Applicants should submit the application form to Mr.Zhong before May 18th 2018.

3. After the deadline, the International Students Department will start to review the applications and select candidates.  

4. The candidates list will be announced.  

5. The scholarship holders should submit to the office the ICBC receipt of opening an account.

V. Review Criteria

Examination scores, performance and rewards at different activities are taken into consideration. The total scores are made up of the average scores of exam×70%, average scores of performance×30%, and reward scores.

1. About the scores of exam.

For the students who study in the International students Department, the examination scores refer to those of the mid-term examination of this semester; for the students studying in other departments, the examination scores refer to those of the final examination of last semester.

2. About the performance

The performance includes class performance, assignments and attendance, all of which are determined by the teachers.

3. About the reward scores

The scores will be determined according to the official activities that international students take from December 1, 2017 to May 18, 2018.

(1) Students who participate in the departmental activities in SISU get 1 point; those who win a prize get 2-4 points.

(2) Students who participate in university-level activities get 1 point; those who win a prize get 3-5 points.

(3) Students who participate in district/county level activities get 1 point; those who win a prize get 4-6 points.

(4) Students who participate in the city/provincial activities get 1 point; those who win a prize get 5-7 points.

(5) Students who participate in regional/national activities get 1 point; those who win a prize get 6 -8 points.

VI. Contacts

Office of International Student’s Department of Sichuan International Studies University

Zhong Nanzheng

Tel./Fax: 86-23-68380021

Email: interstar@china.com

Sichuan International Studies University

                                         International Students’ Department

                                                  May 9, 2018  

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