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Admissions Brochure of SISU on Chongqing Mayor Scholarship

发布时间:2015-12-18   点击:

According to the relevant documents of Chongqing Education Commission, related matters of this year’s SISU Mayor Scholarship are as follows:

I. Admission Categories and Period of Schooling

This year’s admission categories of Mayor Scholarship are undergraduates and postgraduates. The former’s period of schooling is four years, and the latter’s is two or three years.

II. Scholarship Criteria and Period of Subsidy

1. CNY 30,000/year for a master’s degree program student,

CNY 25,000/year for a bachelor’s degree program student.

2. The period of subsidy for students shouldn’t be longer than their period of schooling.

III. Qualifications of Applicants

1. Non-Chinese citizen in good health

2. Applicants’ educational background and age limit:

--Applicants for undergraduate course must have completed their high school education and be under the age of 25.

--Applicants for postgraduate course must have received their Bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35.

3. Applicants have obtained no other scholarship.

IV. Application Procedures

Step 1: Applicants should firstly apply for scholarship subsidy, and then SISU posts off Application Form for Chongqing Municipal Government Mayor Scholarship to the applicants.

Step 2: Applicants post application documents (in duplicate) to International Students’ Department, SISU.

Step 3: SISU organizes a group of specialists to evaluate the application documents and deliver the recommendation list of qualified candidates to Chongqing Education Commission.

Step 4: Chongqing Education Commission admits the best among the candidates and notices SISU the admission results.

Step 5: SISU announces the name lists of the successful applicants at the official website and notifies them and the recommendation institution as well.

Step 6: SISU posts applicants Admission Notice, Registration Notice and Visa Application Form (JW202) by July 1st.

V. Application Documents

1. Application Form for Chongqing Municipal Government Mayor Scholarship filled in Chinese or English.

2. Copies of the highest education certificate, graduation certificate and degree diploma (Such documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be notarized).

3. Applicants undergraduate course must offer academic record in high school; Applicants for postgraduate course must offer academic record in undergraduate period. (Such documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be notarized).

4. Study and research plan (no less than 800 words), written in Chinese or English.

5. Two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English signed by professors or associate professors.

6. Copy of HSK test record (if any).

7. Copies of published academic papers, patents and other research results (if any).

8. Three passport sized photos.

9. Copy of passport (valid passport).

10. Copy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form

VI. Address

Address: International Students’ Department,

Sichuan International Studies University,

Chongqing, 400031 P. R. China

VII. Contact Information

Contractor: Zhang Hongjian

Tel: 86-23-65380021



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