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Application Guide for International Chinese Language Teachers (Confucius Institute) Scholarship2020 at Sichuan International Studies University

发布时间:2020-03-02   点击:191 次


Sichuan International Studies University(SISU) is one of the host institutions of ChineseLanguage Teachers (Confucius Institute) Scholarship holders. According tothe requirements of Confucius Institute Headquarters, the Chinese LanguageTeachers (Confucius Institute) Scholarship program in Sichuan InternationalStudies University in 2020 has been launched. The procedures are asfollows:  




1. Eligibility


Application is open to applicant who owns anon-Chinese citizenship, in good physical and mental condition, well performedboth academically and behaviorally, aspired to take future careers on theteaching or international promotion of Chinese language, between the ages of16-35 on September 1st, 2020. Applicants currently worked as Chinese languageteachers shall not exceed the age limit of 45, while undergraduate studentsshall not exceed the age limit of 25.






A. Scholarshipfor Master’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (MTCSOL)


The program commences in September 2020 andprovides scholarship for a maximum of two academic years. Applicants shall holda Bachelor’s degree, and have a minimum score of 210 on the HSK Test (Level 5)as well as 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level). Priority will be given toapplicants who may provide a work contract with a teaching institution uponcompleting their studies in China or a proof to the same effect.


B. Scholarshipfor Bachelor’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(BTCSOL)


The program commences in September 2020 andprovides scholarship for a maximum of four academic years. Applicants shallhold a senior high school diploma and a minimum score of 210 on the HSK Test(Level 4) as well as 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level).


C. Scholarshipfor One-Academic-Year Study


The program commences in September 2020,and provides scholarship for a maximum of eleven months. International studentscurrently studying in China are not eligible.




Applicants shall have a minimum score of 270 on the HSK test (Level3), and an HSKK test score is required.


ii. ChineseLanguage and Literature


Applicants shall have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test (Level4) and 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level).


iii. ChineseLanguage Study


Applicants shall have a minimum score of 210 on the HSK test (Level3). Priority will be given to applicants who provide an HSKK test score.


D. Scholarshipfor One-Semester Study


The program commences either in September2020 or March 2021, and provides scholarship of a maximum of five months.Applicants holding the X1 or X2 visa are not eligible.


TCSOL, Chinese Language and Literature applicantsshall have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test (Level 3), and an HSKK testscore is required.


3. International Chinese Language Teachers(Confucius Institute) Scholarship Coverage and Criteria


A. The scholarship provides full coverageon tuition fee (including the fees for one HSK and HSKK test), andaccommodation fee. (Usuallydouble rooms provided by school. Students who live off-campus are entitled toaccommodation allowance 700 CNY per person/month.)  




B. The scholarship provides comprehensivemedical insurance.




C. Living allowance is granted by SISU on amonthly basis. The monthly allowance for undergraduates, one-academic-yearstudy students and one-semester students is 2,500 CNY per person. For MTCSOLstudent, the monthly allowance is 3,000 CNY per person.




D. Students are required to completeenrollment procedures for every semester within stipulated period; otherwise,their scholarship may be cancelled. Students who are enrolled before the 15th(or on the 15th) of the month are entitled to the full allowance of that monthwhile those enrolled after the 15th of that month are only entitled to half ofthe amount.




E. During the study period, for any studentwho is absent from China due to personal reasons for more than 15 days(excluding winter and summer holidays), the allowance during absence will besuspended.




F. For students who suspend study or dropout of school for personal reasons, or who are given disciplinary punishment bythe host institutions, allowance will be terminated on the date of suchsuspension, dropping out or when the decision of such punishment is announced.




G. The living allowance for the month ofgraduation will be granted half a month after the date of graduation orexpiration day of the study confirmed by host institutions.




4. Application Procedures


Online registration will be available fromMarch 1, 2020 on the International Chinese Language Teachers (ConfuciusInstitute) Scholarship application website (cis.chinese.cn). And also accomplishthe online registration and application of SISU (http://sisu.at0086.cn/StuApplication/Login.aspx).Pleaselog on to upload application materials online; and track the applicationprogress, comments and result. Scholarship holders need to confirm with SISU togo through the procedures of studying in China, print out the scholarshipcertificate online, and register at SISU on the designated date as per theletter of admission.




The application deadlines (Beijing Time)are:


a) For programs commencing in September,student application must complete before May 10th; recommendinginstitutions.


b) For programs commencing in March 2021,student application must complete before November 10th.




CIH will entrust an expert panel to reviewthe applications. Decisions will be made based on HSK and HSKK scores andlevels, and in consideration of country distribution as well as other factors.The results will be published about three months before school starts.




Chinese Bridge winners who have beenawarded the 2020 Confucius Institute Scholarship Certificate shall log onto theInternational Chinese Language Teachers (Confucius Institute) Scholarshipwebsite and submit documents to SISU upon presentation of their scholarshipcertificates. For inquiry, please contact chinesebridge@hanban.org.


5. Application Documents for International Chinese Language Teachers(Confucius Institute) Scholarship


A.     Forall applicants


a)      ascanned copy of passport first page;


b)      ascanned copy of score reports of the HSK and HSKK tests (within the two-yearvalidity);


c)      areference letter by the head of the recommending institutions.


B.     Fordegree scholarship program applicants


a)      Acertification of the highest education diploma (or proof of expectedgraduation) and an official transcript;


b)      applicantsof the Scholarship for MTCSOL students are required to provide 2 referenceletters from professors or associate professors. Priority will be given toapplicants who may provide a work contract with a teaching institution uponcompleting their studies in China or a proof to the same effect.


C.     Applicantscurrently working as Chinese language teachers shall provide proof ofemployment as well as a reference letter by the employer.


D.     Applicantsunder the age of 18 shall provide certified documents of designation signed bytheir entrusted legal guardians in China.


E.      Applicantsshall also provide additional documents required by SISU as follows:


a) The application form of SISU (in excel format);


b) The certificate of no criminal record;


c) The physical examination report;


d) Digital photo. (White background withoutborders; the head occupies 2/3 of the photo size; no less than 320 * 240 pixels;the aspect ratio is 4: 3; the size is 100-500KB; JPG format)




6. Contact Information


Contact: MR. Zhong Nanzheng


Tell /Fax: 0086-23-65380021/18680796114


Email: interstar@china.com