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Zhang Hongjian

发布时间:2016-03-25   点击:

Zhang Hongjian

Personal information

Department: international students department

Education: master's graduate students

Job title:lecturer

School: Beijing foreign studies university

Email address: zhanghongjian@bfsu.edu.cn

Lecture courses
Junior Chinese reading, intermediate Chinese reading, advanced comprehensive Chinese, Chinese history, news listening, business Chinese, ancient Chinese, HSK counseling

Scientific payoffs

[1] domestic Chinese international communication research briefly. Young writer, 2015, (5).

[2] catchphrase "X" cause analysis. Digital users, 2013, (8).

[3] the "more" kind of adverbs of degree of shallow formation. Young writer, 2013, (7).

[4] to take an examination of fuyang dialect also "d," "Que" ginger ". "Chinese journal, 2012, (18).

[5] tone acquisition study Chinese as a foreign language, foreign language, 2012, (S1).

  • 上一篇: Hu Rongjie
  • 下一篇: Zhong Caihong